12 Key Holiday Season Trends (and 50+ Statistics) for eCommerce in 2024

12 Key Holiday Season Trends (and 50+ Statistics) for eCommerce in 2024

The holiday season is a pivotal time for businesses, with consumers ready to open their wallets and celebrate. Whether it's decking the halls or hunting for the perfect gift, people are ready to splurge, making it a golden chance for your brand to stand out.

It's a period when understanding market trends can make or break a company's annual performance. As the holiday buzz kicks in, understanding key holiday marketing stats becomes crucial. 

Remember, while the holidays may seem distant, it's never too soon to start planning—particularly for eCommerce businesses aiming to stay ahead of the competition.

Christmas Holiday Shopping Trends for 2024: Key Insights for Europe and the UK

The 2024 holiday shopping season in Europe and the UK is shaping up to be a fascinating study in contrasts. 

As we approach the festive period, consumers are navigating a complex landscape of economic pressures, evolving shopping habits, and technological innovations. 

The lingering effects of inflation and cost-of-living concerns are prompting many to seek out bargains and adjust their spending patterns. Yet, amidst these challenges, there's a resilient holiday spirit driving both traditional and innovative approaches to gift-giving and celebration.

This year, we're seeing a notable shift towards early shopping, with a significant portion of consumers beginning their holiday purchases months in advance. 

The rise of discount retailers and second-hand shopping reflects a growing cost-consciousness, while some consumers still opt for premium experiences. 

Let's dive into the trends and statistics that are reshaping the holiday retail landscape in Europe and the UK. They will provide a data-driven snapshot of what’s to come in 2024.

1: The Early Bird Catches the Christmas Deals

The UK is seeing a significant shift towards earlier holiday shopping, with 69% of consumers starting by August and 85% by October. This trend far outpaces other markets, with Brits four times more likely than US shoppers to begin before July. 

The extended shopping season reflects consumers' desire to spread costs and secure desired items early, while also presenting retailers with a longer window of opportunity.

This early-bird trend is forcing businesses to rethink their strategies. According to a survey by The Bazaar Voice, 62% of respondents believe October is too early for holiday promotions, while 26% say it's never too early, highlighting the delicate balance retailers must strike.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Implement a phased marketing strategy, starting with subtle holiday teasers in July and gradually increasing promotional intensity through October.
  2. Introduce early-bird specials and exclusive limited-time offers to incentivize and reward early shoppers.
  3. Develop a holiday wish list feature on your eCommerce platform to capture early interest and inform inventory decisions.

2: AI-Powered Holiday Shopping: The Rise of Virtual Gift Assistants

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming the holiday shopping landscape, with a remarkable 53% of shoppers expressing interest in using generative AI to find the perfect presents. This trend is not just a futuristic concept; it's already making a significant impact. 

Last holiday season, AI influenced 17% of online purchases, contributing to a staggering $199 billion in sales.

The appeal of AI-powered shopping assistants is particularly strong among Millennials, with 44% showing keen interest. This generational trend suggests a growing comfort with AI technologies and a desire for more personalized, efficient shopping experiences.

As AI continues to evolve, it's poised to revolutionize how consumers discover and select gifts. 

From chatbots offering personalized recommendations to AI-driven search functions that understand context and intent, these technologies are making the shopping process more intuitive and tailored to individual preferences.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Integrate AI-powered product recommendation systems into your eCommerce platform to offer personalized gift suggestions based on browsing history and purchase patterns.
  2. Develop an AI chatbot specifically designed for holiday shopping, capable of understanding complex gift queries and offering tailored advice.
  3. Optimize your product descriptions and metadata for AI algorithms, ensuring your offerings appear in relevant AI-powered searches and recommendations.

3: Second-Hand Santa: The Growing Trend of Pre-Loved Gifting in Europe

A significant shift is occurring in European holiday shopping habits, with 64% of consumers considering second-hand items for their festive purchases. This trend is driven by two primary factors: the ongoing cost-of-living pressures and a growing commitment to sustainability.

The second-hand market is seeing particular traction in specific categories. Home decorations lead the pack, accounting for 45% of second-hand holiday purchases, followed closely by gifts for friends and family at 39%, and clothing at 36%. This diversity shows that the appeal of pre-loved items spans across various gift types.

Interestingly, the trend is not just about saving money. While 47% of consumers cite cost savings as their main motivation, a substantial 37% are driven by a desire to shop more sustainably. This dual motivation suggests a deeper shift in consumer values, blending financial prudence with environmental consciousness.

However, there are some nuances. Over a third (35%) of those who didn't buy second-hand items last year stated a preference for brand new goods, while 40% expressed reluctance to give used items as gifts. This hesitation highlights the need for retailers to address perceptions around second-hand gifting.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Consider introducing a curated 'vintage' or 'pre-loved' section in your holiday offerings, focusing on high-quality, unique items that tell a story.
  2. Develop marketing campaigns that highlight both the economic and environmental benefits of second-hand gifting, addressing potential concerns about quality and perception.
  3. Partner with reputable second-hand marketplaces or consider a trade-in program where customers can exchange old items for store credit, encouraging circular economy principles.

4: Eastern Influence: Chinese Shopping Apps Gain Ground in Western Markets

Chinese shopping apps are rapidly capturing market share in Western holiday shopping, with 63% of Western consumers planning to use these platforms. 

Temu leads with 43% of Western shoppers, while Shein dominates among Gen Z. The primary attraction is price, with 58% of consumers citing lower costs as the main draw.

This trend is particularly strong among Millennials. Two-thirds of Millennials plan to buy holiday gifts on these apps, with even higher numbers among consumers with children. 

The impact is significant, with predictions suggesting Chinese shopping apps will capture $160 billion in global eCommerce market share outside China this holiday season.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Analyze and adjust pricing strategies to remain competitive without compromising quality or brand value.
  2. Highlight unique selling points such as quality, faster local shipping, or superior customer service in marketing campaigns.
  3. Consider implementing a strategic price-matching policy coupled with value-adds like extended warranties or loyalty points.

5: Beyond Material Gifts: The Rise of Experiential and Digital Presents

The holiday gift landscape in the UK is evolving, with a noticeable shift towards intangible presents. Recent data shows that 6% of gifts are now experiences, while 5% are digital content. 

This trend reflects both changing consumer preferences and adaptations to cost-of-living pressures.

Experiential gifts, such as concert tickets or cooking classes, offer memorable moments without adding to physical clutter. Digital presents, like streaming subscriptions or online courses, provide ongoing value in our increasingly digital world.

Interestingly, this shift is accompanied by a focus on reducing overall gift spending. Consumers are more likely to cut back on smaller items like stocking fillers rather than eliminate gift-giving entirely, suggesting that the tradition of giving remains important despite economic challenges.

This trend towards non-material gifts opens new opportunities for retailers to diversify their offerings and tap into consumers' desire for meaningful, clutter-free gifting options.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Expand your product range to include experience-based gifts and digital content options.
  2. Partner with local experience providers to offer unique, location-specific gift experiences.
  3. Create marketing campaigns that highlight the lasting value and reduced environmental impact of non-material gifts.

6: Loyalty Pays Off: How Reward Programs are Shaping Holiday Shopping

Loyalty programs are significantly influencing holiday shopping behaviors, with 63% of shoppers making more purchases from stores where they can earn and redeem points. 

This trend underscores the growing importance of customer retention strategies in an increasingly competitive retail landscape.

For 46% of shoppers, loyalty programs rank as the second most important factor influencing their buying decisions, surpassed only by price. This preference for loyalty-linked shopping is reshaping how consumers approach their holiday purchases, often prioritizing stores where they have existing relationships and point balances.

The impact of loyalty programs extends beyond just driving repeat purchases. They're also proving to be valuable data sources, allowing retailers to personalize offerings and create more targeted marketing campaigns. As digital marketing costs rise, these programs offer a cost-effective way to engage existing customers and drive sales during the crucial holiday period.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Implement or enhance your loyalty program with special holiday bonuses or double-point events.
  2. Use loyalty data to create personalized holiday offers and gift recommendations.
  3. Offer exclusive early access to holiday deals for loyalty program members to drive engagement and sales.

7: Video Reigns Supreme: The Go-To Medium for Holiday Marketing

Video content is emerging as the most effective format for holiday shopping on social media, with 37% of shoppers preferring this medium. The trend is particularly strong in the UK, where 38% of consumers say video content captures their attention most effectively during the festive season.

Length preferences vary, but most shoppers favor videos between 1-5 minutes long (29%), closely followed by those under a minute (28%). This suggests a need for both quick, snackable content and slightly more in-depth presentations.

Interestingly, there's a split in content type preferences. While 47% of UK shoppers prefer user-generated content, 44% favor brand-created content. Only 8% show a preference for influencer-created content, indicating a potential shift in influencer marketing effectiveness.

This trend highlights the importance of a diversified video strategy that caters to different attention spans and content preferences, balancing authenticity with professional production values.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Invest in creating a range of video content, from short product teasers to longer gift guides or how-to videos.
  2. Encourage and showcase user-generated video content featuring your products.
  3. Optimize video content for different platforms, considering the specific format requirements and user behaviors of each.

8: The D2C Advantage: The Power of Brand Websites in Holiday Shopping

Brand websites are emerging as the preferred starting point for holiday shopping, particularly in the UK. 30% of British consumers begin their shopping journey directly on brand websites, making it the most popular online purchase channel in both the UK and EU.

This trend is further reinforced by the fact that 39% of UK shoppers find brand-provided gift guides helpful, indicating a trust in brands' expertise and curation. Additionally, 57% of British consumers are more likely to make an online purchase when offered a discount code, highlighting the importance of direct brand interactions.

The preference for brand websites reflects a desire for authenticity, exclusive offerings, and a more curated shopping experience. It also suggests that consumers are bypassing third-party marketplaces in favor of direct brand relationships, especially during the holiday season.

This shift presents both an opportunity and a challenge for brands to create compelling, user-friendly online experiences that can compete with major eCommerce platforms.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Optimize your website for holiday shopping with intuitive navigation, fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness.
  2. Create engaging, interactive gift guides and implement wish list features to enhance the shopping experience.
  3. Offer exclusive discounts or early access to sales for customers shopping directly on your website to encourage direct purchases.

9: Celebration Over Savings: Consumers Prioritize Holiday Joy Amidst Financial Pressures

Despite economic challenges, holiday spending in the UK is showing remarkable resilience. Research into 2,000 UK consumers reveals that many households are prioritizing and protecting their festive budgets, even in the face of rising inflation and higher interest rates.

Notably, 44% of consumers expect weaker finances in 2024 compared to 2023. However, holidays have become a non-negotiable expense for many, with 86.4% of UK consumers typically going on holiday. Even among those anticipating financial difficulties, 33.5% plan to increase their holiday spending in 2024.

This trend is particularly pronounced among younger generations. While Gen Z and Millennials face more pressure to cut back compared to those over 60, they're more likely to seek cheaper alternatives rather than eliminate holiday spending entirely. This might involve opting for shorter trips, domestic travel, or budget-friendly celebrations.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Offer a range of products at various price points to cater to different budget constraints.
  2. Create value-focused bundles or packages that allow consumers to maintain their holiday traditions at a lower cost.
  3. Implement flexible payment options, such as installment plans, to help consumers manage their holiday expenses.

10: The Power of Peer Opinions: How Reviews are Reshaping Holiday Gift Choices

Consumer reviews are playing an increasingly crucial role in holiday gift purchasing decisions. A significant 40% of shoppers actively seek out both positive and negative reviews before making a purchase, indicating a desire for balanced, authentic feedback.

Trust in reviews is a key factor, with 29% of shoppers closely examining reviews to ensure they're written by real humans. Additionally, 18% look for third-party authentication symbols, such as Trustmarks, to verify the credibility of reviews.

Interestingly, the impact of incentivized reviews is mixed. While 38% of shoppers say incentivized reviews don't affect their purchasing decision, 22% are more likely to buy, and 21% are less likely, highlighting the complex relationship between review incentives and consumer trust.

Millennials are leading the charge in contributing to feedback, with 30% likely to write reviews for holiday gifts they buy for others.

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Implement a robust review system on your platform, encouraging customers to leave detailed, honest feedback.
  2. Respond promptly and constructively to both positive and negative reviews to demonstrate customer engagement.
  3. Consider using a third-party review verification system to increase trust in your product reviews.

11: Beyond Brands: Gen Z's Preference for Influencer-Led Holiday Purchases

Generation Z is reshaping the holiday shopping landscape with their unique approach to social media and influencer content. Unlike other generations, Gen Z is most likely to seek out creator content on social media during the holiday season, showing a distinct preference for influencer-created content over traditional brand or user-generated content.

This trend highlights a significant shift in how younger consumers discover and make purchasing decisions for holiday gifts. They're more likely to trust and be inspired by content from influencers they follow, viewing these creators as authentic sources of product recommendations and style inspiration.

Interestingly, Gen Z is the least likely group to seek out brand content or user-generated content on social media. 

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Develop partnerships with influencers who resonate with your target Gen Z audience for holiday-themed content and promotions.
  2. Create influencer-exclusive holiday deals or limited-edition products to drive engagement and sales.
  3. Encourage influencers to showcase your products in authentic, lifestyle-oriented content rather than traditional promotional material.

12: Social Media's Role in Holiday Shopping: Discovery vs. Purchase

Social media is playing a nuanced role in holiday shopping, primarily serving as a platform for product discovery rather than direct purchases. Only 13% of consumers intentionally use social media to buy gifts, while 30% engage with content and may make purchases if they find something interesting.

The holiday shopping strategy on social media is largely a mix of intentional and spontaneous behavior for 49% of people. Platforms are predominantly seen as product discovery tools (59%) rather than direct purchasing channels (12%).

Facebook leads in social media shopping (32%), followed by Instagram/YouTube (16%) and TikTok (13%). The search behavior on these platforms is evenly split between using the search function (30%), scrolling until finding something appealing (36%), or a combination of both (34%).

Actionable Insights for Businesses:

  1. Focus on creating engaging, discoverable content on social media rather than pushing direct sales.
  2. Optimize your social media presence across multiple platforms, with a particular focus on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
  3. Implement a seamless transition from social media discovery to your eCommerce platform to capitalize on spontaneous purchase intentions.


As we wrap up our exploration of the top holiday shopping trends for 2024, it's clear that the retail landscape is evolving rapidly. From the rise of second-hand shopping to the increasing influence of AI, these trends offer valuable insights for businesses looking to thrive during the festive season.

The key takeaway is adaptability. Consumers are embracing new technologies, seeking value in various forms, and balancing tradition with modern shopping habits. For businesses, this presents an opportunity to innovate, personalize, and connect with customers in meaningful ways.

Whether it's harnessing the power of social media or emphasizing sustainability, there's ample room for creativity and growth.

Remember, the holiday season is not just about sales—it's about creating experiences, building relationships, and spreading joy. As you implement these insights, focus on delivering value that goes beyond the transaction, creating memorable moments that will keep customers coming back long after the decorations come down.


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