Top 20 User Engagement Metrics To Track And Measure

Top 20 User Engagement Metrics To Track And Measure

When building an app or a website, understanding what users love and what they don't is important. 

User engagement is the lifeblood of any online business. It’s not just about attracting users but ensuring they interact meaningfully with your platform.

This is where user engagement metrics come in. They give you a clear picture of what's working and what's not. In this blog, we'll look at the top 20 user engagement metrics that you should be tracking. These metrics are essential for anyone looking to improve their online platform and make it more engaging for their users.

What Are User Engagement Metrics?

User engagement metrics are parameters that help you understand how users interact with your platform. These metrics offer insights into user behavior, preferences, and satisfaction levels. 

They enable businesses to comprehend what keeps users engaged and what might drive them away.

Key User Engagement Metrics to Track

Here are top 20 user engagement metrics essential for understanding and optimizing user experiences:

Active Users (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)

Active users measure the number of unique visitors engaging with your eCommerce platform within specific timeframes: daily, weekly, or monthly. It indicates the consistent interest and reach of your platform among users.

Tracking active users provides real-time insights into your platform's popularity and relevance, helping understand trends and engagement levels.

Here’s how you can increase active users to your eCommerce app or website:

Personalized Product Recommendations: Utilize AI-driven algorithms for tailored product suggestions to encourage return visits and purchases.

Simplified Checkout Process: Streamline the checkout experience to reduce friction and cart abandonment rates.

Exclusive Loyalty Offers: Launch loyalty programs or provide exclusive offers, incentivizing users for frequent engagement and purchases.

Session Duration

Session Duration measures the average time users spend on your platform during a single visit. It indicates the level of engagement and interest users have in your content or services within a specific session.

Longer session durations often signify deeper engagement and interest in your platform, indicating that users find value on it.

Session Duration = Total Duration of User Sessions / Number of Sessions

Here are some ways to improve session duration:

Compelling Content Flow: Curate engaging content and intuitive navigation to keep users exploring your platform, increasing session duration.

Interactive Features: Incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, videos, or tools to captivate users and extend their time spent on your platform.

Personalized Recommendations: Provide personalized content or product suggestions to prolong user sessions by catering to individual interests.

Pages/Screen Views per Session

Pages/screen views per session indicate the average number of pages or screens a user visits during a single session on your platform. It reflects the depth of user engagement within a session.

Higher page/screen views per session often signify deeper exploration and engagement with your platform's content or features.

Pages/Screen Views per Session = Total Pages Viewed / Number of Sessions

Here are some strategies to increase page/screen views per session:

Content Relevance and Accessibility: Ensure easy access to relevant content or products, encouraging users to explore multiple pages during a session.

Clear Navigation Paths: Simplify navigation and suggest related pages or products to entice users to delve deeper into your platform.

Visual Engagement: Use appealing visuals and call-to-action prompts to guide users across different pages, enhancing their exploration within a session.

User Retention Rate

User retention rate measures the percentage of users who return to your eCommerce platform over a specific period. It reflects the ability of your platform to retain users and sustain their interest over time.

A high user retention rate signifies satisfied users who find ongoing value in your platform, indicating a strong user base and potential for long-term success.

User Retention Rate = ((Number of Users at End of Period - Number of New Users During Period) / Number of Users at Start of Period) * 100

Here are some strategies to improve user retention:

Consistent Communication: Engage users through newsletters, personalized emails, or app notifications to maintain their interest and keep your platform top-of-mind.

Enhanced Customer Support: Provide responsive and helpful customer service to address user concerns and foster a positive experience.

Tailored Rewards and Incentives: Offer loyalty rewards or exclusive deals to returning users, fostering a sense of appreciation and encouraging continued engagement.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate indicates the percentage of users who leave your eCommerce platform after viewing only one page. It reflects the initial engagement level and the relevance of your landing pages.

A lower bounce rate typically signifies that users find your content or offerings relevant and engaging enough to explore further within your platform.

Bounce Rate = (Total Number of Visits Viewing One Page Only / Total Number of Visits) * 100

Here are some strategies to reduce bounce rates:

Enhanced Page Relevance: Ensure landing pages align with user expectations and provide clear and engaging content to encourage further exploration.

Improved Page Load Speed: Optimize page loading times to minimize user frustration and increase the likelihood of users staying and exploring more pages.

Clear Call-to-Actions: Use compelling CTAs and intuitive navigation to guide users to other relevant pages, reducing the likelihood of immediate exits.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate measures the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service, among total site visitors.

A higher conversion rate signifies an efficient and effective platform, driving users toward specific actions that contribute to business goals.

Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Total Number of Visitors) * 100

Here are some strategies to improve conversion rates:

Streamlined Checkout Process: Simplify the purchase or sign-up process to reduce friction and make it easier for users to complete desired actions.

Compelling Call-to-Actions: Use persuasive and clear CTAs that prompt users to take action, guiding them toward the desired conversion points.

A/B Testing and Optimization: Continuously test and optimize landing pages, content, and CTAs to identify and implement strategies that drive higher conversions.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate measures the percentage of users who click on a specific link, ad, or call-to-action compared to the total number of users who view it. It reflects the effectiveness of your content or ads in enticing users to take action.

A higher CTR indicates that your content or advertisements are compelling and engaging enough to prompt users to click, driving traffic to desired destinations.

CTR = (Number of Clicks / Number of Impressions) * 100

Here are some strategies to improve CTR:

Compelling and Clear CTAs: Use enticing and straightforward call-to-actions to prompt users to click and explore further.

A/B Testing of Ad Content: Experiment with different ad copies, visuals, or placements to identify elements that resonate better with your audience.

Optimized Landing Pages: Ensure landing pages are relevant and align with the expectations set by the ad, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Time on Page

Time on page measures the average duration users spend on a specific page of your platform. It indicates user interest and engagement with the content on that page.

Longer time on page often suggests that users find the content valuable and engaging, spending more time consuming the information or engaging with the features.

Time on Page = Total Time Spent on Page / Number of Sessions on Page

Here are some strategies to increase time on page:

Engaging Content Formats: Use multimedia, interactive elements, or informative content to captivate users and encourage prolonged engagement.

Internal Linking: Recommend related content or products within the page to entice users to explore further within your platform.

Clear and Structured Content: Organize content in a way that is easy to digest, keeping users engaged and interested in consuming more information.

Interactions Per Visit

Interactions per visit quantify the average number of interactions a user has within a single visit to your platform. It includes actions like clicks, scrolls, form submissions, etc.

Higher interactions per visit indicate deeper engagement and active user involvement with your platform during a single session.

Interactions Per Visit = Total Interactions / Number of Sessions

Here are some strategies to increase interactions per visit:

Interactive Features: Integrate quizzes, polls, or interactive tools to encourage users to actively participate and engage with your platform.

Personalized Recommendations: Offer tailored suggestions or content based on user behavior to prompt users to interact and explore more.

Gamification Elements: Implement gamified elements like badges, rewards, or challenges to incentivize users to engage and interact more frequently.

New vs. Returning Users

New vs. returning users differentiates between users who visit your platform for the first time and those who have visited before. It provides insights into user acquisition and retention efforts.

Analyzing this metric helps understand the effectiveness of attracting new users and retaining existing ones, contributing to overall user engagement.

Here are some strategies to balance new and returning users:

New User Onboarding: Provide guided tours, tutorials, or introductory offers to enhance the experience for new users.

Retention Campaigns: Implement strategies like personalized emails or loyalty programs to encourage returning users to engage more frequently.

Content Refresh for Both Audiences: Regularly update content to keep it fresh for returning users while also attracting new ones with updated information.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net promoter score measures customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking users how likely they are to recommend your platform to others on a scale of 0-10.

A higher NPS indicates satisfied users who are likely to promote your platform, contributing to increased user acquisition and retention.

NPS = Percentage of Promoters (9-10) - Percentage of Detractors (0-6)

Here are some strategies to improve NPS:

Feedback Integration: Collect and analyze user feedback to identify areas for improvement and address concerns promptly.

Exceptional Customer Service: Provide proactive and responsive customer support to enhance user satisfaction and loyalty.

Continuous Improvement: Act upon feedback to continually enhance your platform's features, usability, and overall user experience.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer satisfaction measures the level of satisfaction users have with your platform's products, services, or interactions on a scale or through surveys.

A high CSAT score reflects satisfied users, fostering loyalty and potentially increasing retention and positive word-of-mouth.

CSAT = (Number of Satisfied Customers / Total Number of Respondents) * 100

Here are some strategies to improve CSAT:

Surveys and Feedback Loops: Regularly seek user feedback through surveys or feedback forms to gauge satisfaction levels.

Responsive Action: Address user concerns or complaints promptly to demonstrate commitment to resolving issues.

Personalized Interactions: Tailor interactions and services based on user preferences to enhance satisfaction and user experience.

Social Media Engagement

Social media engagement measures user interaction (likes, shares, comments, etc.) with your platform's content on social media channels.

Higher engagement on social media indicates active user interest and involvement with your brand, driving traffic and brand visibility.

Here are some strategies to improve social media engagement:

Compelling Content Creation: Share engaging and relevant content that resonates with your audience.

Active Engagement: Respond to comments, messages, or mentions promptly, fostering a sense of community and involvement.

Collaborations and Contests: Collaborate with influencers or run contests to increase reach and encourage user participation.

Email Open and Click Rates

Email open rate measures the percentage of recipients who open your email, while click rate measures the percentage of recipients who click on a link or CTA within the email.

Higher open and click rates indicate effective email content and CTAs, driving user engagement and potentially conversions.

Open Rate = (Number of Emails Opened / Number of Delivered Emails) * 100

Click Rate = (Number of Clicks / Number of Emails Delivered) * 100

Here are some strategies to improve email open and click rates:

Compelling Subject Lines: Use intriguing and personalized subject lines to entice recipients to open your emails.

Clear CTAs and Content: Ensure clear and persuasive content, guiding recipients to take action with prominent CTAs.

Segmented and Personalized Emails: Segment your audience and personalize email content based on user preferences or behavior.

Churn Rate

Churn rate measures the percentage of users who stop using your platform or unsubscribe from services over a specific period.

Lower churn rates indicate higher user retention and satisfaction, contributing to sustained platform growth.

Churn Rate = (Number of Customers Lost in a Period / Total Number of Customers at the Start of the Period) * 100

Here are some strategies to reduce churn rate:

Proactive Customer Support: Address user concerns and issues promptly to prevent potential reasons for churn.

Re-Engagement Campaigns: Reach out to inactive or departing users with incentives or tailored offers to encourage them to return.

Improved User Experience: Continuously enhance your platform based on user feedback to ensure ongoing satisfaction.

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

Average revenue per user measures the average revenue generated per individual user over a specific period.

Higher ARPU indicates higher monetization potential and effective revenue strategies for each user.

ARPU = Total Revenue / Number of Users

Here are some strategies to increase average revenue per user:

Upselling and Cross-Selling: Offer additional or complementary products/services to increase the value of each user.

Tiered Pricing or Subscription Plans: Introduce different pricing tiers or subscription plans to cater to diverse user needs.

Personalized Offers: Provide personalized offers or discounts based on user behavior or preferences to encourage higher spending.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value measures the total value a customer is expected to bring to your platform throughout their entire relationship.

A higher CLV indicates the long-term value a user holds for your platform, guiding acquisition and retention strategies.

CLV = Average Revenue Per User × Average Customer Lifespan

Here are some strategies to increase customer lifetime value:

Enhanced User Experience: Provide consistent and exceptional user experiences to foster long-term relationships with users.

Customer Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs to encourage repeat purchases and enhance customer retention.

Personalized Engagement: Tailor interactions and offerings based on user preferences to increase their lifetime value.

Event Tracking

Event tracking involves monitoring specific user actions or events within your platform, such as button clicks, video plays, form submissions, etc.

Tracking user events provides insights into user behavior and engagement patterns, aiding in optimizing user experience.

Here are some strategies for effective event tracking:

Identify Key Events: Determine which user actions are most valuable for your platform and focus on tracking those events.

Data Analysis: Analyze event data to understand user behavior and preferences, guiding decision-making for improvements.

Optimization Based on Insights: Use event tracking insights to optimize platform features and content for better user engagement.

Mobile App Metrics

Mobile app metrics involve tracking various user interactions with your mobile application, including installations, opens, sessions, etc.

Understanding mobile app metrics helps assess user engagement and the performance of your mobile app.

Here are some strategies for optimizing mobile app metrics:

Streamlined Onboarding: Ensure a smooth and engaging onboarding process to retain users after app installations.

Performance Optimization: Continuously optimize app performance to provide a seamless user experience.

Push Notifications and Personalization: Utilize personalized notifications to re-engage users and drive app opens and interactions.

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic measures the visitors directed to your platform from external sources, such as other websites, social media, or referrals from users.

Higher referral traffic often indicates successful marketing strategies, satisfied users, or effective referral programs.

Here are some strategies to increase referral traffic:

Referral Programs: Implement referral programs that incentivize users to refer friends or contacts to your platform.

Content Sharing and Social Media: Encourage content sharing and engagement on social media platforms to drive referral traffic.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Form partnerships or collaborations with other platforms or influencers to increase referrals.


User engagement metrics are indispensable yardsticks in understanding user behavior and optimizing business strategies. Regularly tracking, interpreting, and acting upon these metrics can significantly impact the success of your eCommerce platform. Make sure you are continuously improving and adapting to foster long-lasting user engagement.


Deniz Koç

Deniz is a Content Marketing Specialist at Storyly. She holds a B.A in Philosophy from Bilkent University and she is working on her M.A degree. As a Philosophy graduate, Deniz loves reading, writing, and continously exploring new ideas and trends. She talks and writes about user behavior and user engagement. Besides her passion in those areas, she also loves outdoor activities and traveling with her dog.

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