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How DeFacto Supercharged Customer Communications

Kaan Uyanık
February 4, 2022
0 min read


DeFacto needed to showcase more products in less space through a UX that satisfied young digital savvy shoppers.


Shoppable Video Stories create inspiring customer journey with embedded CTAs & lightning-fast in-Story checkout that young shoppers love.


engagement rate



expanding Story use to website

As a leader in ready-to-wear fashion, DeFacto knows the importance of staying current and on-trend. Naturally, their commitment to great design extends to their digital presence as well. Like many e-commerce apps, DeFacto faced the challenge of showcasing their extensive product catalog while keeping their app simple to navigate. With Storyly Stories, DeFacto found an elegant solution to sharing new collections and campaigns in a format that was both fresh and familiar. 


The app team at DeFacto had several goals when partnering with Storyly including increasing session length, boosting engagement, and increasing overall revenue. DeFacto wanted to be able to use in-app stories to highlight more of their latest offerings than could be shown in banners and sought to share more video content as well. Before integrating Storyly, DeFacto struggled to highlight all of their latest offerings within limited banner space, and wanted to be able to offer more video content as well. By using Storyly to create campaign stories that show the most relevant products to each audience segment, DeFacto was able to help their customers discover new clothing and accessories that suited their style. 


Adding Stories to their app functionality was a natural choice for DeFacto to support their longer-term goals of attracting and maintaining a younger customer base. Since stories are intuitive to use and support a range of possibilities for interaction, stories are able to meet the expectations of a younger audience which is used to highly visual, personalized digital experiences.

Segmentation and Automation Make Relevant Content Accessible

Once DeFacto began using Storyly with their app, the marketing team was delighted by the ease of creating stories for their audience. Not only can DeFacto create and publish fresh content within minutes, but the interactive capabilities of stories, allow the marketing team to be in constant communication with their users, gathering first-party data on customer reactions, likes, and desires. With this insight, DeFacto is able to confidently plan their content strategy and quickly respond to the needs of their users. 

Among DeFacto’s biggest successes with Storyly have been the ability to embed targeted stories within different parts of the app, such as women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing sections. By tailoring stories to different users based on their preferences for price, size, color, and categories of products, DeFacto is to target their users with relevant content for increased engagements and conversions.

Shoppable Video Stories Streamline the Customer Journey

The DeFacto marketing team has also been thrilled with the success of the shoppable videos created with Storyly, which not only give audiences a richer understanding of the products but shorten the customer journey with embedded CTA’s. Conversion-focused interactive stickers such as countdowns to new product releases or the end of special offers increase FOMO and add a sense of urgency and excitement to the shopping experience. Both new and returning customers can discover products geared towards their needs and complete the checkout process in minutes! 

With Storyly, communicating with customers is easy. Stories can be used to highlight new features of the app, tease upcoming releases, or share new collaborations and campaigns. DeFacto is able to nurture customer loyalty by creating authentic connections that increase investment for their audience.


Overall, Storyly exceeded DeFacto’s expectations for increasing session duration, engagement, and conversions. The stories published by DeFacto boast more than a 40% engagement rate! The countdown sticker feature has been especially successful for DeFacto, increasing the click-through rate on campaign stories to 69%. With numbers like these, it’s easy to see why DeFacto is looking to add Storyly’s Web Stories to the next phase of their digital marketing strategy. Stay tuned for more updates and successes!


Kaan Uyanık

Product Marketer who embraces empathic understanding, creativity and data. User-centered and product-driven approach to drive business impact and scale. Trained cultural sociologist who used to study communities.