HomeApp Stories

In your app!

Empower your app with captivating Stories to build stronger relationships with your customers.

Trusted by 400+ companies globally

Real results,
really fast!


Higher conversion


Increase in CTR


Increase in daily retention


Increase in
session time

How can app Stories enhance your key metrics

Create Stories with ease

Craft compelling Stories with ready-to-use templates and an intuitive studio.

Maximize your Stories’ reach and visibility with customized or animated Story group covers. Increase product visibility by delivering full-screen app Stories.


Quiz, poll, emoji slider, rating, question sticker and so on…Engage with your audience like a pro, and all it takes is a simple drag and drop!

Gather zero party data with interactives and use Audience Builder to create new segments to enhance your marketing efforts.

Personalize Stories

Utilize user properties or use labeling to personalize the user journey and deliver relevant content to them.

Boost app stickiness with personalized messaging tailored to each user, ultimately improving retention rates.

Convert your users

Boost your conversion rates with shoppable Stories, allowing users to shop your products without leaving the Stories. 

Streamline checkout with product tags, catalogs, and CTAs for a seamless user experience.

Automate your Stories

Automate your app's Stories with a product feed, saving you time and effort. 

Harness the power of social media in your app's Stories by utilizing automation.

Streamline your content creation process and optimize engagement with your users.

Track your users' behavior

Track user interaction data to gain insights into how your users engage with your app's Stories.

Utilize Storyly dashboard to create reports and analyze key metrics, such as Story views, completion rates, and more.

Integrate Storyly analytics seamlessly with other analytics tools to get a more comprehensive understanding of your app's performance.

Drive Sales and Boost Engagement with Journeys!

Let your customers take control! Use interactive stickers to empower them to customize their experiences and make choices that matter to them. Add trivia elements into your Journeys and challenge customers with quizzes. Reward correct answers to create a sense of fun, interaction, and sense of belonging.

Just a few drinks and you will have your Stories


Onboard with Storyly team


Integrate the SDK


Create your first Stories




Go live!

Success Stories

A game-changing in-app channel on the first day and clear ROI in the first week… Using Stories to increase campaign conversions and enhance new feature activation, Domino’s creates a true success story.

Airtime Rewards Boost User Engagement and Transactions with Storyly

Marketplaces always struggle to help customers explore a wealth of items and browse through reviews to shop confidently. Storyly Stories has been the perfect solution for JD.ID to guide their users from discovery to purchase.

Achieve your app goals with Storyly